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All Alone...

            There comes a time in every Nerfers game when he realizes that he is the only one left or he is separated from the rest of his team.  If you are outnumbered greatly your chances of winning are slim.  However, before the enemy takes you down you can do a whole lot of damage.

            The key to escaping an enemy is in the way you run.  One rule is to never run in a straight line.  If you observe wild animals, many of them will run in a zigzagging path when predators pursue them.  Also, since you are probably outnumbered then use that to your advantage.  A group of enemies is probably going to move more slowly than you.  You can magnify this effect by running through obstacles.  One good strategy is to cross a creek and as soon as your enemies cross over it, you should cross back to the other side.  If all this fails then you can try another strategy.  Drop your guns and ammo in the open.  If you are lucky the enemy will stop to pick them up.  This could by you some time, but your enemy will become better armed as a result.  If you are playing a game with three teams then you could try to make sure your pursuers are right behind you.  Then you charge right into the third team (a mutual enemy of you and your pursuer).  Your enemies will often stop pursuing you at the sight of your suicidal act.  If they do pursue you then the two teams will collide and a skirmish will take place.  If you survived your suicidal charge then this will buy you time to get away or regroup with your team.  This strategy should only be used as a last ditch effort though.

            To successfully attack your enemies when you are the only one left you need to adopt a guerilla warfare strategy.  You must take a shot at a separated enemy and then run very fast.  To separate your enemy you can try to get them to pursue you and then run very fast.  The faster runners in the pack will move to the front while the slower enemies will fall behind.  When the faster pursuers are a good distance away from their teammates you should whip around and take a few shots.  Once their teammates catch up you should start running again.  Also, since your enemy doubtlessly has more firepower than you, you must conserve your ammo and make every shot count.  You should only take a shot that you have a good chance of making.  In the event that you cannot outrun your enemy then you must hunker down behind some cover or on the top of a hill and make your last stand.  If you practice these techniques you may even defeat all your enemies.

"All men die.  The sooner you accept get it, the sooner you start living."