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Turning Your Friends into Nerfers

It can be very difficult to recruit new Nerfers since it is such a limited hobby.  However, given the right techniques recruitment can be a lot easier than it seems.

Whether you have a clan or you are the only Nerfer in the neighborhood you always want to get more people to Nerf with you.  After all, the more the merrier right?  The most obvious recruits are the friends you already have.  Friends are open to each other's ideas so just invite your friend over to your house and show him your guns.  A lot of times they'll be amazed by the power of modification.  After you show him your guns, suggest having a war.  Beg if you have to but get him to war with you.  If he doesn't agree then shoot him in the leg ;) (Note I was Just Kidding hehehe).  Once you get your friend to war with you then the hardest part is over.  When having a war don't take advantage of your friend's newbishness.  Explain to him or her the advantages and uses of each gun.  Let him try each one out.  Then go have a war.  Encourage your pal and teach him better technique and then battle for as long as you want.  Make sure it's still FUN.  Chances are your friend will like Nerfing at this point.  Congrats you've almost recruited another Nerfer.
That's right the job isn't over yet.  The next step is convincing him to buy a gun.  You should go shopping with your friend so he doesn't buy a razorfish or something equally crappy.  Afterwards introduce him to modifications.  Eventually he'll get onto his own two feet and know what to do to survive as a Nerfer.  The final step is Nerf for ages to come ;)

"Sir, a doolie is that insignificant whose rank is measured in negative units, one whose potential for learning is unlimited."