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Nerf Ammo Workshop 101

Is this your first time making home made ammo?  If it is then read this primer on how to make the basic home made ammunition.

To make home made darts you need a few basic materials:
Foam Backer Rod (Caulk Saver)- FBR is a rope of foam for lack of better description.  It is used by normal people to seal cracks in building materials.  It is used by Nerfers as the body of the home made dart.  This can be found at www.loghelp.com or Home Depot.  At Home Depot look for the weather stripping section.  It is usually found around there.
Lead Fishing Weights- You need size 3 or 2 (BB).  I use fishing weight size 2 (BB).  I find it works the best.  You can find this at most stores like Target or any sporting goods store.
A hot glue gun and glue sticks- Cheap hot glue guns can be bought at Target or Kmart or any craft store for about $2.  More expensive ones can cost $12 but the cheap ones are all you need.  You should by the smallest hot glue gun you can find.  Make sure you buy plenty of extra glue sticks because you're going to need them!
An old newspaper- used to cover up your work area so you don't get glue all over the place.
Scissors- To cut the darts into shape
Hairdryer- Used to heat up the FBR so that you can straighten them.
Shoebox- Used to place the FBR in as you heat them up with a hairdryer.
Ruler- Used to measure the FBR before cutting.

"There are two kinds of people in this world.  There are those who take life as a gift and treasure it and there are those who take life as an insult."
